Friday, May 1, 2020
Language Research Methodology and Design Routledge
Question: Discuss about the Language Research Methodology and Design Routledge. Answer: Introduction: The methodology chapter of the dissertation talks about the various methods that have been used for carrying out the research. It is only when a proper research method is selected the outcome of the research can be fruitful. The complete research is based is on both primary as well as secondary research data. A number of research tools and techniques have been used in order to carry out the research. A detailed literature review has been done using various secondary research sources like books and journals. For the research philosophy, positivism approach has been undertaken. For the research approach, deductive analysis has been used. It is on the basis of this methodology, it has been easier to analyze the existing models and theories related to the topic of the research (Flick, 2015). Again, the analytical design has been used for research design. Most importantly, a survey method was used to understand the perspective of the people of UAE. For the primary data collection, both probability and non-probability sampling technique have been used. A survey among 20 Emirati acquaintances has been conducted. Research philosophy: Research philosophy stands for a set of beliefs. Three research philosophies have been identified, namely, positivism, realism and interpretivism. For this particular research, positivism approach has been undertaken. This philosophy helps to carry out the research by the means of an in-depth study by using various theories and models. This has helped to investigate the research topic in a logical and critical manner (Clark et al. 2014). On the other hand, realism and interpretivism have not been selected because these are based on human perception and the same can vary from one person to other. Research approach: Among the two approaches, namely inductive and deductive research approach, the deductive method has been selected so that the analysis can be carried on the basis of the existing theories and models (Mackey and Gass, 2015). On the other hand, deductive approach has been avoided because coming up with new theories is not a helpful idea. For this study, the analytical design has been selected because it is the right method of carrying out a research in the initial stage. Other two designs, namely, explanatory and exploratory have been avoided because proper information might not have been gained. Analytical study helps to get detailed information about the topic (Silverman, 2016). Survey method has been used as the research strategy because it has been observed that it is important to understand the view point and the perspective of the people of UAE. The study is not based on focus group or case study because if such strategy was undertaken, it would have resulted in some kind of bias result (Skinner, 2015). Sampling method and sampling size: As mentioned, both probability and non-probability sampling method have been used because there always remained chances that the requisite information could be gained from any respondent (Pickard, 2012). The sampling size was kept small and the survey was done among 20 people. This was done to be precise and accurate on the analysis of the findings. Bigger sampling size could have created dilemma at the time of data analysis. Primary as well as secondary data have been used for gaining proper information. Data gained from both the research techniques has contributed equally to reach a proper conclusion of the research study. The analysis and the findings of the research were mainly depended on the data collected from the primary research. Only qualitative data collection method has been used for collecting primary data. A survey was conducted among 20 people of UAE. Travelling to UAE personally had been costly but in order to complete the research, carrying out this primary research was indeed important. As evident, understanding the use of renewable energy and the present situation in this oil rich country can only be known if the residents of the country are personally investigated. This has helped to reach an evident and more accurate consequence of the research. Secondary data collection method: For the literature review, the secondary sources like books and journals were used from both online sources and those that were available in hard copies. Mainly journal that were published in the last 6 years have been used for understanding the current situation of the use of renewable energy. It has to be said that online sources have been really helpful while writing the research paper. Data analysis technique: For the analysis of the secondary data, the literature review was written basically in the form of annotated bibliography. Moreover, a critical analysis of the various topics was also done. The information was supported with proper citations, to avoid any kind of plagiarism issue (Silverman, 2016). For analysis the quantitative data, the numerical digits have been converted into percentages and they have further been demonstrated in form of tables, charts and graphs. Doing so, it has helped to underlay the findings in a linear form that has contributed in easy analysis. Ethical consideration of the research: It is very important to carry out the complete research in an ethical manner. For the secondary analysis, it is important to cite the sources from where the information has been gathered. It has been done to avoid any plagiarism activity (Marais et al. 2015). At the time of conducting the primary research, awareness was made on the fact that each respondent answered with their full consent. None of the respondents were forced to answer. In addition to this, there was no logo or symbol of any Company on the survey paper that could signify any kind of advertisement or promotional activity. Collection of data was strictly done for the sake of academic purpose (Miller, 2012). In addition to this, a consent letter from the University was made available wherever there required permission. Time table: Activities 1st to 3rd Week 4th to 10th week 11th to 13th Week 14th to 17th Week 18th to 21st Week 22nd to 23rd Week 24th Week Selection of the topic Data collection from secondary sources Creating layout Literature review Analysis and interpretation of collected data Findings of the data Conclusion of the study Formation of draft Submission of final work Fig: Gantt Chart (Source: Created by the author) Reference list: Clark, Vicki L. Plano, and John W. Creswell.Understanding research: A consumer's guide. Pearson Higher Ed, 2014. Flick, Uwe.Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage, 2015. Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015.Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge. Marais, Hendrik C., and Magdalena Pienaar-Marais. "Analysis of Research Methodology in Business and Management Studies as Reflected in the ECRM 2015 Proceedings." InECRM2016-Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business Management": ECRM2016, p. 167. Academic Conferences and publishing limited, 2016. Mertz, Norma T., and Vincent A. Anfara Jr. "Closing the Loop."Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research(2014): 227. Miller, T. I. N. A. "Reconfiguring research relationships: regulation, new technologies and doing ethical research."Ethics in Qualitative Research2012: 29-42. Pickard, Alison.Research methods in information. Facet publishing, 2012. Silverman, David, ed.Qualitative research. Sage, 2016. Skinner, D. "Qualitative methodology: an introduction." 2015. Taylor, Steven J., Robert Bogdan, and Marjorie DeVault.Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons, 2015.
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